Privacy policy of the online store “”

Privacy policy of the online store “”

This privacy and personal data processing policy (“policy”) complements the public offer and is an integral part of it.

When we use “we”, “us” or “our”, we mean ZHARKO. When we use “you” or “your”, we mean you, the person who used our services.

Company Zharko. Provides services on the website (“site”). Our company is registered in Ukraine and is located at Obolonska Naberezhna 7, building 5, office. 3, Kyiv, Ukraine. We consider it our duty to ensure the privacy of your data. We collect, store and use your personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine on Personal Data Protection No. 2297-vi and other applicable local laws.

The purpose of the policy is to inform you about how we will use your personal data that we receive from you through the site. Please read the information carefully before continuing to use the site. By visiting our site, you agree to comply with the current policy and agree to its terms.

Consent to the processing of personal data

By giving your consent to the processing of personal data when registering on the site, placing an order or when sending messages through the feedback form, you agree to the policy and its application in the processing of your personal data.

At the same time, you have the right to withdraw your previously given consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending us a corresponding application at the address: Obolonska naberezhna 7, building 5, office. 3, Kyiv, Ukraine. At the same time, in certain cases provided by applicable law, we may continue to process your data even after such withdrawal of consent (for example, for the purpose of fully fulfilling our obligations under the user agreement).

Your consent to the processing of personal data given on the website is equivalent to consent in writing, as defined in Art. 2 of the Law of Ukraine on Personal Data Protection No. 2297-vi.

Your personal data and how we use it

You can use most of our site without providing any personal data. However, if you want to send us a message or chat online, receive a newsletter or special offers by email, or order a product or service, you will need to provide certain information.

Your personal data may include your first name, last name, address or location, telephone number and email address, the text of your message or any other information you send us using the feedback form.

The processing of the above-mentioned personal data will be carried out through mixed processing of personal data (collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, change of use, distribution, transfer, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data).

Please note that after placing an order, your personal account will be created (you will be registered on the site). You can make your account more personalized. You can also invite your friends to the site (for example, using Facebook, Instagram and other social networks).

We ask for your phone number to continue processing your order and to notify you of its status. This number may be passed on to the courier who directly delivers the ordered product so that we can keep you informed of the delivery process. You can also provide us with information about your preferences so that we can provide a more personalized approach in organizing your purchase process.

We work with third parties, including Fondy, to process payments, and only these parties will have access to your payment card details.

We store information about the products you have purchased. This way, we can deal with any issues or queries that arise more quickly and ensure that all information sent to you is relevant.

When you visit our site, we automatically collect certain data about you. For detailed information on this matter, please refer to the section below “cookies and other tracking technologies”.

The purpose of processing your personal data is to provide you with services in accordance with the terms of the user agreement.
The collected information allows us to:

Provide the goods and services you ordered;
Confirm your identity and details of your payment method or credit card account;
Manage our site and provide services to customers;
Plan and manage commercial activities, including analysis of your habits, product preferences and styles;
Communicate with you (including email and phone if you have provided such information);
Notify you about our offers, services or products.
Your consent given on the website is valid until the purpose of processing your personal data is achieved.

You agree that we may share your personal data with our service providers and agents to achieve the above purpose. This will be done confidentially and only to the extent permitted by the laws on personal data and advertising. Such service providers and agents may include, without limitation, any third parties involved in providing customer service, payment processing, identity verification or fraud detection, hosting or site support.

In exceptional cases, we may disclose your account information and your personal data to others if required to do so by law; to comply with or apply the agreement and other documents; to protect the rights, property, safety of ZHARKO, our users or other third parties (provided that your rights and freedoms are not violated).

Disclosure of your account and other personal data includes sharing information with other companies and organizations for identity verification and fraud protection purposes. These actions are performed to the extent permitted by applicable laws.

If we sell all or part of our business or make a sale or transfer of property, including a sale in bankruptcy or otherwise, we may transfer your personal data to third parties as part of such property under the relevant agreement. We may publish and share aggregated, anonymous statistics about the number of visitors to our site or the number of purchases to third parties, including our target analysts.

Cookies and other tracking technologies

Our site uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure maximum convenience for you, providing personalized information, remembering your marketing and product preferences, and helping you get the right information. When using the site, you confirm your consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this notification for this type of files. If you do not agree to us using this type of files, you should adjust your browser settings accordingly or not use

What are cookies and similar technologies?

A cookie is a small file that usually consists of letters and numbers. This file is stored on your computer, tablet, phone or other device that you use to visit the site. Cookies are widely used by site owners to ensure the operation of the sites or to increase the efficiency of the work, as well as to obtain analytical information.
We and our service providers may use different types of cookies on our sites:

Strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are necessary for the site to work properly, they will allow you to move around our site and use its features. These files do not identify you as an individual. If you do not agree to use this type of files, it may affect the performance of the website.
Cookies related to productivity, efficiency and analytics. These files help us understand how you interact with our site, which sections you visit and how much time you spend in each of them, and they also show problems in the operation of the Internet resource, for example, error messages. This will help us improve the website. Analytics cookies also help us measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and optimize the content of the sites for those who are interested in our advertising. This type of cookies cannot be used for your identification. All information that is collected and analyzed is anonymous.
Functional cookies. These cookies are used to recognize that you have returned to our site. They allow us to tailor site content to you, greet you by name, and remember your preferences. If you block this type of file, it may affect the performance and functionality of the site and may limit access to content on the site.

Advertising cookies. These cookies record information about your actions on the Internet, including visits to our site and pages, as well as data about links and advertisements that you have chosen to view. One of our goals is to display on our websites the content that is most fully focused on you. Another purpose is to enable us and our service providers to provide you with advertising or other information that is more closely aligned with your expressed interests. (In doing so, we and our suppliers engage partners such as information portals, data management platforms and demand intelligence platforms to assist in the processing of such data.) for example, if you view a product-specific page on our site, we may make it so that on all our sites or on other sites you see advertisements related to these (or similar) products and related services. We may additionally use other data and information collected through said cookies, including information received from third parties, for the purpose of serving you advertisements.
How is other information collected and used?

We and our service providers may use cookies for various purposes, including to:

Understand which areas of the site are most interesting for you.

Process your orders.
Analyze information about your page visits to improve our site.
To provide advertisements, messages and content created by us on this site and the sites of others, taking into account your interests.
Assist you in obtaining the necessary information.
Determine the number of visitors and how they use our site – to improve the effectiveness of the site and to better understand the interests of their audience
How long are cookies stored on the device?

Some cookies are active from the moment you enter the site until the end of a specific browser session. When you close the browser, these files become unnecessary and are automatically deleted. Such cookies are called “session” cookies.

Some cookies are stored on the device and between browser sessions – they are not deleted after closing the browser. Such cookies are called “persistent”. The storage period of persistent cookies on the device varies for different cookies. We and other companies use persistent cookies for various purposes: for example, to more accurately determine how often you visit our site or how often you return to it, how the nature of the use of our sites changes over time, and to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising.
Who places cookies on the device?

Cookies can be placed on your device by the website administration These cookies are called “personal” cookies. Some cookies may be placed on your device by other operators. Such cookies are called “third-party” files.

We and third parties may use cookies to learn when you visit our sites, how you interact with email, advertising, and other content. On the basis of cookies, aggregated and other information not related to the identification of individual users can be collected and used (for example, about the operating system, browser versions and the URL from which the transition to this page was made, including from an e-mail or advertisement) – thanks to this, we can provide you with wider opportunities and analyze the routes of visiting sites. This technology allows you to count the number of users who visited a specific service by clicking on a link from a certain banner outside the site, a text link or an image included in the newsletter. In addition, it serves as a tool to collect aggregate statistics about the use of the site for the purpose of analytical research and helps us to optimize our sites, offer advertising according to your interests, as detailed below.

How is online advertising and mobile advertising used?

We, along with third parties, including technology partners and service providers, engage in interest-based advertising by providing advertisements and personalized content that we and other advertisers believe will be of interest to you. Third-party providers use cookies when providing services for us or other companies; in such cases, we do not control the use of said technology or the information obtained thereby and are not responsible for any actions or policies of third parties.

Ads may be served to you based on your online or mobile activity, your search activity, your response to one of our advertisements or emails, the pages you visit, your geographic region, or other information. Such advertisements may appear on our site or on the sites of third parties. The technology partners with whom we cooperate and who help us conduct advertising campaigns based on your interests may be members of self-regulatory associations.
How to manage cookies?

Most internet browsers are initially configured to automatically accept cookies. You can change your settings to block cookies or receive notifications when files of this type are sent to your device. There are several ways to manage cookies. Please refer to your browser manual for more information on how to adjust or change your browser settings. If you disable the cookies we use, it may affect your work on the Internet, while at you may not be able to receive personal information when visiting the site. If you use different devices to view and access our site (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you must ensure that each browser on each device is configured according to your view of handling cookies .

Access to your personal data

To obtain information about what personal data we process about you, or to make any other inquiry regarding your rights as a personal data subject (including, for example, the right to correct any inaccuracies or to object to the use of the data), please contact us by phone +380 (63) 886 42 70 (from 09:00 to 20:00 without breaks and weekends). Copies of your personal data and information about them are provided to you free of charge.

Communication and marketing

To subscribe to our newsletter with information about our new products, services, interesting materials and events, to receive special offers by e-mail or by phone, please fill out the subscription form. If you shop on our site, we may also sometimes use your email address to send our newsletter and notify you of special offers.

You can opt out of such communications at any time via the “opt out” link that will be part of any email or by calling +380 (63) 886 42 70 (from 09:00 to 20:00 without a break and weekends ).

For questions related to this policy, please contact